A Community Interest Company
This means we have a purpose and any assets we own are ‘locked’ so they can only be used for community benefit.
The purposes and benefits below are part of our company registration as a Community Interest Company (CIC).
Cargodale CIC is registered company number 12996564.
The company will provide benefit to:
• Small business owners
• Bike riders
• The people of Calderdale and any other communities in which Cargodale operates
• Community organisations and charities
• Individuals and families
How people will benefit:
To offer affordable, low carbon delivery service to small business owners in Calderdale:
Business owners will benefit by:
• having reduced costs of delivery,
• the chance to offer delivery without long term expensive contracts,
• a chance to engage customers they could not reach otherwise
• corporate social responsibility by helping meet climate change objectives
• Social capital by telling the customers they work with a community not for profit organisation
To offer healthy, sustainable jobs
The riders will benefit by:
• Being active as part of their daily work
• A sense of community and being part of the greater good
• A living wage
To provide low emission, low carbon delivery services
The people in areas of operation will benefit by having:
Cleaner air
Affordable delivery options
A delivery service that reduces the impact of remote shopping on climate change
Access to deliveries from shops that otherwise couldn’t provide a delivery service
A delivery service that contributes to reduced congestion
A delivery service that minimises impact on local infrastructure (eg roads, parking spaces etc).
A delivery service that enables people to shop without driving
To support local community organisations and charities
Local community organisations will benefit by:
Having access to free or subsidised low carbon local delivery services
To enable individuals and families to consider replacing a car with an e-cargo bike
Individuals and families will benefit by having access to:
Information, support and guidance on buying and running an e-cargobike
Rider training for using an e-cargobike
Cargobike loans and sales
If the company makes any surplus it will be used for:
Reinvesting in the organisation in order to provide affordable, low emission delivery services to individuals, organisations, and businesses in Calderdale and beyond