Suggest a shop Name * First Name Last Name Which shop would you like deliveries from? * Shop Address Please add address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Why would you like delivery? * Shops like to know why you'd like delivery Save time I'm self-isolating I'm can't get to this shop during its opening hours It's more convenient Prefer not to say Other (please add in the box below) Other reasons: Would you be interested in a 'you walk we carry' service? It's great to walk to the shops - but much harder to get back with armloads of stuff. We're looking at a 'you walk, we carry' service for Todmorden, Hebden Bridge and Halifax. We'll collect your shopping and take it home for you. Great idea, I'd use that Great idea, but not for me I don't think this is a good idea Any other message to us or to shops: Email Please add your email address if you would like us to let you know how we get on. We will store it in line with our data policy and only use it for this purpose. Thank you!